Monday, July 21, 2008


They say that life is full of little ironies, and I'm here to tell you that it's true.
Today in class my professor (who also teaches Junior High) took a break from the prepared lecture and began a discussion about whether technology is a good or a bad thing. I realized that this was a perfect opportunity to send a text I had been thinking about (he wouldn't see me, it's a 200 student class). I got out my phone and found that I had received a text. So I began reading it and became absorbed trying to think of a reply--letting time get away from me a little, until I realized that perhaps the discussion was over and we might be about to start the lecture again. I zoned back in and looked up just in time to hear my teacher tell us mature college students: "Yes one way that technology can be bad is with cell phones in Junior High. I just can't get my eighth graders to take their hands off their texting long enough to pay attention to class." I put away my phone and stayed focused the rest of the class. Like I said, life is full of little ironies.


Jana B. said...

what would we do without irony... and cell phones.

also, wanted to say that you're fantastic and interesting and talented. loves.

Kara J said...

Amy! You have a blog! And it's a good one too! Love your posts so far. So funny! I really mean to still get together with you sometime. Maybe next week? Things have been so crazy! I'm so glad you have a blog! Keep posting- I'm enjoying the stories! Oh, and I'm glad Lon and I are an inspiration to you with all the fun we have. Haha. I feel so accomplished.