Monday, July 28, 2008

The Hill

Today I was biking up a hill that always exhausts me (I’m exhausted easily), and instead of looking at the top of the hill like I usually do, I just looked at the ground. Suddenly it was so much easier and I hardly even noticed that I was going up a hill. This is what my Dad always told me to do when we went biking—just focus what’s right in front of you and don’t worry about the huge hill. He compared it to life: you just take it day by day, minute by minute sometimes, and focus on doing the best you can right now, and don’t get overwhelmed by the big picture or the huge goal you’re trying to accomplish.


Julia said...

We have the best dad ever. Here's to one day at a time.

Amy Catherine said...

No kidding--we sure do have the best dad ever!

Lisa Ann said...

Someday, I want to be just like dad- omniscient!

Kara J said...

Ooh, I like this analogy/anecdote business. You'll have to remind of this when you're kickin my trash biking next weekend, Amy!

Your dad really is a good guy! If you three have the best dad, I guess you would have to say I have the best uncle. That's pretty cool I think.